Now the Company manufacturing Mobiles are more inquisitive making its next models’ with very stronger structural feature by using the functionality likes Bendgate. Basically the Bendgate means your cell phones can hook or get fold in your pocket.
The first therapy named as “Unbox Therapy” is used to test the iPhone siblings. By this theory the smart phones are going to be better. The phone’s company used the different therapy, such as Square Trade used BendBot, HTC’s One M9 and the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. They pressurized the smart phones under 110 or 120 pounds pressure.
Due to Bendgate therapy, the fabricators get with it that the smart phones are tender but it will be foolishness to hook the phone. But this experiment takes the manufacturer one step forward in the today’s techno world.
The Unbox therapy, boost the manufacturer to have the vigorous back surface of the mobiles phones. One of the team guys applied the therapy to the 6 different phones and he find out that the all of 6 are more powerful than the previous one.
He made the back surface twice thick, which was the delicate region of the mobile. So, with very powerful quality the manufacturers are going to launch the new product to the people.