OnePlus has sent out an announcement to unveil its new smartphone next month but, the exact date of launching has not declared yet. However, according to new information from a OnePlus live chat manager exposed that the new smartphone will be launched on June 14, using the Loop VR headset. As per the company, the event will be ‘beamed from the future’, with the OnePlus offices relocated to an orbital space station.
The old OnePlus 2 was shipped with Android Lollipop with the company’s OxygenOS on top. For the new OnePlus 3, the company is excited to offer a new Android Marshmallow version based on the company UI. According to the rumour the smartphone may have a 5 inch, 1080p display along with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor. The phone might have a 16 megapixel rear-camera and the 8 megapixel front-facing camera. OnePlus 3 is expected to take in the likes of iPhone SE and Galaxy S7.
OnePlus has also announced that people who will watch the keynote in VR will get choice on ordering the phone directly from their headsets. But, if you are not at the keynote, you might have to wait for a while to get your hands on the handset.
For Indian fans, OnePlus will sell the Loop VR headset from June 3 to June 7 on Amazon India, registration for which is now open.